hallo everybody out there :)
I'm here again to annonce a pair of new "musical" xperiments, this
time a pair of strong & subterranean hip hop beats, a strange cross
between the hip hop & the electronica, like my other ones, but these
ones I think they are a bit more sinister
I've used some freesounds 4 the production, but the samples have been
almost all them created by myself... i'ts another work of my already
known "dogma sound" series, u know, no time fx; I like very much to
work with the dry sound because I like the purity of the glitches :)
u can take a look to the link below and download them if u are a hip hop lover:
I just can say I hope u like it, I've made them with a lot of love,
like always :)
thanks by reading this post... Linux is the truth ;)
B happy!
-- ... subliminal stuff at http://perlssdj.blogspot.com ...Received on Tue Feb 27 16:15:02 2007
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.8 : Tue Feb 27 2007 - 16:15:02 EET