OK, tried it. Worked like a charm.
I downloaded the ladspa2vst bridge from the site and compiled those to test
jost. Note: replace the vst directory with a symlink to your
vstsdk/source/common! The compile script then takes all the ladspas you have
and makes vst .so's for them.
As per the instructions, you copy jost with the name (without the .so) of the
plugin. Crude but does work. A little script to do this for a directory full
of .so's would be convenient (may try this if I can remember enough of my
Note: jack-fst works (some of the time) for native Windows VSTs. Actually was
on Debian Sid for a while (in a sort of non-Debian-standard manner). Wondered
about compiling such a thing without WINE. See, it can be done. Now for ASIO?
Note: Such opensource packages based on "non-free" stuff like Steinberg's SDKs
go into a category "contrib" in Debian parlance (same would apply to Ubuntu).
Received on Tue Feb 27 20:15:09 2007
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