I didnt get the point of this discussen and regard it rather worthless
and destructive.
Aldrin is geard toward electronic pattern based music so why blame it
for what it is? Of course its not for the sopranos, I guess the only
electronic thing they need is Protools and some outboard mastering
equipment or software, so this is Ardour.
When some producers of Madonna or Daft Punk would decide they need
Trackers for their latest kick, trackersoftware would be suddenly in
mainstream. And didnt stole Timbaland recently a chiptune/trackertune?
So where start mainstream music production and why are oranges worse
then apples? And why should we care??
-- Malte Steiner media art + development -www.block4.com-Received on Wed Feb 28 04:15:01 2007
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