> Also, now it would be time to contact all possible mp3
> manufacturers, and tell about OGG encoders and players.
perhaps someone who is savvy and knows technical details could write
up a template for a letter people could send to these companies(who
ever they are.)
i try and convince the podcasters that i use to make the switch, but
ogg still seems like some sort of complex geek thing most people.
btw do you have a link for the microsoft bust?
On 2/28/07, Juhana Sadeharju <kouhia@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Nobody took this news to this list!?
> Microsoft was ruled to pay about a billion for infringing
> a mp3 patent. When that is verified in higher courts, it
> is expected that many companies will face the same issue.
> I hope the bill for individual Windows users is high enough
> so that OGG starts sounding a good idea.
> Also, now it would be time to contact all possible mp3
> manufacturers, and tell about OGG encoders and players.
> Juhana
> --
> http://music.columbia.edu/mailman/listinfo/linux-graphics-dev
> for developers of open source graphics software
Received on Wed Feb 28 16:15:07 2007
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