2007/2/26, Thorsten Wilms <t_w_@freenet.de>:
> I'm working on concepts for a new export dialog in Ardour.
I got used to the one present in 0.99.x. Only the selection of the
filename could be nicer.
> I would like to hear of your needs regarding final mixdown
> /export using any software, not just Ardour.
> - Do you export once in the end, or do you do tests in
> between?
The musicians want alpha- and beta-versions of the songs in between
studio days, so I create several versions before final mixdown.
> - Do you work with stereo and/or multi-channel?
Stereo. I would love to produce surround-music but currently we aim for:
> - What are your targets: CD, DVD, Web?
CD and Web for teasers.
> - File-types: WAV, Flac, Ogg, MP3?
All of them! ;-)
But I am well satisfied if ardour stays with exporting to wave and
letting conversion and compression be done by other apps.
> - Bits and sampling rates you need?
16/44.1 and up.
> - Do you or would you like to export to several formats at
> once? If yes, which exactly?
> - Do you know of outstanding solutions in any application?
I didn't use anything else than ardour for some years now.
> - What problems do you run into?
hydrogen doesn't support freewheeling. So I have to record the drums
before exporting...
> - Wishlist items?
Make hydrogen support freewheeling. :-)
> - If you use Jamin, do you feed it with multitrack material
> or rather with mixdowns?
It becomes a pre-fader-insert on the master-bus fairly late during
mixing. Or when mastering the cd as whole...
Keep on hacking,
-- visit http://www.arnoldarts.de/ --- Wenn man mit Raubkopien Bands wie Brosis oder Britney Spears wirklich verhindern könnte, würde ich mir noch heute einen Stapel Brenner und einen Sack Rohlinge kaufen.Received on Wed Feb 28 20:15:05 2007
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