On Fri, 23 Feb 2007 12:53:11 +0200
Nedko Arnaudov <nedko@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Folderol <folderol@email-addr-hidden> writes:
> > I'm sort of optimistic but frustrated. I very much want to contribute,
> > but when I had a proper look at the source of ZynAddSubFX I found that
> > the level of programming is *far* beyond what I used to some 15 odd
> > years ago. I'd probably be more of a hindrance than a help, having to
> > keep asking damn fool questions that 'anyone' knows the answers to :(
> What about http://home.gna.org/zyn/ code?
Where do I get lv2 from? The home page says a lot about it but I can't
find where to download from.
Is there a simple list of dependencies somewhere, and what order they
need to be compiled/installed?
I'm not clear on what is going on here. Does this need ZynAddSubFX
installed and running or is there code that directly replaces Zyn's
synth engines? If it needs Zyn, what version does this work with?
-- Will J GReceived on Thu Mar 1 00:15:03 2007
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