It ain't over until the fat lady sings. IOW, I thoroughly expect that
award to be seriously whittled down - plus thoroughly appealed and so on
- before MS actually has to pay anything.
Vince Werber wrote:
> What bothers me is there has been questions in the past over the
> copyrights of the 'OGG'format also... were those issues ever resolved?
> ANd let's face it... if MicroSOft got it bad... there is real blood in
> the water here... and the sharks are everywhere...
> On Wed, 28 Feb 2007, Thomas Vecchione wrote:
>>> Personally I am encouraged by news like this. It brings us one step
>>> closer to fixing the US patent system.
>> I am not certain I agree with you at all, unless you are trying to use
>> it as an example of how broken things get.
>> MS paid for rights from whom they thought owned the patent, as did
>> many others. While I personally think patents are in fact very
>> screwed up, this case seems even more screwed up as the people paid
>> have for quite some time been considered to have owned the patent and
>> should have applied.
-- David gnome@email-addr-hidden authenticity, honesty, communityReceived on Thu Mar 1 04:15:01 2007
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