On Wed, 2007-02-28 at 23:25 +0100, Atte André Jensen wrote:
> Yves Potin wrote:
> > This is completely transparent for the user and the applications
> > and works great, without any problem or particular setup (maybe for a
> > single dual core processor a SMP kernel is required).
> Ok that sounds good. How is it decided which app is running on which
> core and can a running app (realtime audio) switch core?
scheduling of processes on an SMP system is essentially completely
transparent to the user and the processes.
there are some tricks in modern linux systems that can be used to
circumvent the normal decisions of the operating system's scheduler, but
in general these are not going to be useful unless you really, really
know what you are doing.
Received on Thu Mar 1 04:15:02 2007
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