On Thu March 1 2007 1:55 pm, Marc-Olivier Barre wrote:
> On 3/1/07, Denis Alessandro Altoe Falqueto <denisfalqueto@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > On 3/1/07, Greg Wilder <gregwilder@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > > I'm sure I'm in the minority on this, but I'd like to see a show of
> > > hands - how many of you are lurking on this list with the faint hope
> > > that some tiny (but usefull) bit of information might just drop from
> > > the sky?
> >
> > You called the lurkers, so here I am. ;-)
> >
> > I don't have any problems with more open subjects in this list. After
> > all, the more digressed subjects, come labeled Off Topic (at least,
> > they should). I've learnt lots of interesting things with this list
> > and think it would be bad for everyone to restrict the matters. If
> > something has to do with linux and audio, it is wellcome here, ain't
> > it?
> >
> > My 0.02 cents...
> Make it 0.02 cents more,
> I agree. Restricting topics would be a shame. Some apparently totally
> useless topics scoring high on the digression scale sometimes turn out
> to make unexpected "useful info" (not to all users I agree) just fall
> out of the sky.
> And as far as the "I want to sound like my favorite band" subjects are
> concerned, I find them very interesting to the users whom are the
> primary target of this list. Even if there's no artistic point in
> trying to sound like someone else, it is sometimes the occasion to
> hear about a piece of software some lurkers may not have heard of.
At no point did I suggest limiting list topics. Of course it's true that the
contributors of any list/forum determine the direction of discussions. I
kinda figured that folks were generally happy with the list - why else would
they subscribe?
But before I terminated my subscription, I wanted to express my general
disappointment and I wondered if anyone else had similar feelings.
Received on Fri Mar 2 00:15:03 2007
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