> >it has. if you have it compiled, it is under Preferences -> Output
> >modules -- mark the Advanced options and you'll see the jackd option in
> >the drop down menu.
> Good.
> Then I guess any audio-focused distro should have VLC with jack enabled,
> cause Edgy has not.
yeah, I reported the bug in debian's BTS
it should be an easy task, if you need my 'dirty hack' I can provide the
debian/ folder that builds: vlc-plugin-jack_0.8.6-svn20061012.debian*deb
-- ,= ,-_-. =. ------------------------------------------------------- + ((_/)o o(\_)) jabber:kpanic@email-addr-hidden/msn:kpanic@email-addr-hidden | `-'(. .)`- #muppetslab@email-addr-hidden | \_/ The more I see, the less I know |Received on Fri Mar 2 04:15:04 2007
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