On 3/2/07, Dave Griffiths <dave@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > Chuckk Hubbard wrote:
> >
> >> I bet people's music would be far more beautiful if they would sing
> >> freely and often and then transcribe what they were singing, instead
> >> of transcribing before the music even exists.
> >
> > True!
> >
> > I completely abandoned composing at the computer for exactly that
> > reason. I find it quicker to experiment with everything from melody,
> > harmony, lyrics, modulations to form when at the piano. Also I found
> > that I only make good tunes when playing and *singing* along.
> >
> > I'm sure others have succeeded where I failed, but that how it works for
> > me.
> To present a totally different angle - I learnt all my musical theory
> using a tracker (never having done any traditional music except
> bellringing years ago), and now livecode all my music, which feels like
> the most natural way to do it for me.
> Livecoding also means I can create visuals and animation *at the same
> time* as music - which is kind of a goal in itself for me.
> Also linux is a really good environment for this kind of experimentation.
That sounds fascinating. I do have to say that the *best* music I've
ever created was written with a sequencer and lots of theory -
- but it was harder. It was the only thing I wrote that semester.
Since then, I've gotten less and less adept at writing from theory.
Received on Fri Mar 2 20:15:03 2007
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