Hi Arthur,
On Friday 02 March 2007 20:10, a wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm new to this list and it's been a while since I've looked at linux
> audio. I am most comfortable writing in a score editor. I have a couple of
> gigasamples but they are too expensive to keep collecting them. Are people
> using soundfonts? I know about qsampler and qsynth but my question is, what
> score editors are the most powerful that would work with these programs and
> also possibly with ardour. Does anyone have any favorite setups to share?
> Thanks,
> Arthur
I'm actually not really into score editing so take this for what it is.
As I'm on a spamming streak I thought I would take the opportunity to mention
the recently released version 0.4 of MuseScore.
Uses Fluidsynth and Jack for output, hence it should be compatible with
Received on Sat Mar 3 00:15:05 2007
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