On 3/2/07, Thomas Vecchione <seablaede@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> As of right now there is no good prebuilt software for audio in theater
> on linux. I am slowly working my way through APIs to start working on
> one, but have been for some time so don't hold your breath;) I don't
> plan on doing anything for video though, sorry.
> Pd should be able to be programmed to do what you want in most cases
> though, but I am not familiar with the video side of things in it.
I've had good experience using PD to run theatre sound. I haven't done
any performances where I also used video(I've usually used my crappy
old laptop) but i had the whole show programmed to respond to my
Behringer control surface, so the operator didn't even need the
computer to be open to run the show. It had a combination of chased
cue sequences and more manual controls. It was kind of hacked together
though, so I've been meaning to put together a more systematic and
extensible system for doing just this. Once I get it together I'll put
an announcement out.
Received on Sat Mar 3 08:15:01 2007
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