I'm interested in losless compression of typical Jack audifiles
for exchange. That means float32 sample format.
Flac doesn't handle float, only pcm.
wavpack handles both.
So I was told that converting from (wav) float32 to pcm24 and back
should be losless, if the float file is normalized. This would cut
down on file-size by itself and allow to use Flac.
I tested this using sndfile-convert and diff tells me there are
differences. The file sizes are identical.
diff did not report differences for a wav-unpacked file (staying
in float32).
Now I wonder if I did something wrong (I'm pretty sure the source
file is normalised), or if there's a bug in sndfile-convert or
if the differences are in the header. diff is a tool for text,
after all.
Anyways, file size results, didn't care about time:
48kHz, float 32:
- original wav: 59.1 MB (my Aliethno track)
- wavpack: 39.9 MB
- wav: 44.4 MB
- wavpack: 32.3 MB
- flac: 37.4 MB
I used wavpack -h and flac -8 for best compression ratios.
(Well, just saw wavpack has a -hh switch)
-- Thorsten Wilms Thorwil's Creature Illustrations: http://www.printfection.com/thorwilReceived on Mon Mar 5 00:15:03 2007
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