Quoting J M Needham <J.M.Needham@email-addr-hidden>:
> I can't start Jack. I tried compiling jack 0.102, and it wouldn't, but
> I'm
> getting the following output from jack when attempting to start
> it.10:36:32.209 Patchbay deactivated.
> 10:36:32.298 Statistics reset.
> 10:36:32.315 Startup script...
> 10:36:32.315 artsshell -q terminate
> 10:36:32.495 MIDI connection graph change.
> 10:36:32.789 Startup script terminated with exit status=256.
> 10:36:32.790 JACK is starting...
> 10:36:32.790 /usr/local/bin/jackd -v -R -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p128 -n2
> -S
> 10:36:32.798 JACK was started with PID=5787 (0x169b).
> ++ jack_rechain_graph():
> client alsa_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
> -- jack_rechain_graph()
> 5787 waiting for signals
What's the problem? It looks as if jack has started just fine.. I'm willing
to guess that no client can connect to it, am I right?
Judging from the command line for jackd, you've build jack by yourself and
installed in /usr/local instead of /usr/ (where the ubuntu/debian package
has installed jack).
This means that you have two versions of jack installed. This causes huge
problems. I suggest you "make uninstall" what you build, and rebuild it
using ./configure --prefix=/usr (followed by whatever options you've chosen
to use).
Received on Mon Mar 5 16:15:01 2007
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