On Tue, 2007-03-06 at 20:38 +0100, Yves Potin wrote:
> Le 06 Mar à 19:38, Cesare Marilungo ecrivait:
> > There's this suite of freeware VST plugins:
> >
> > http://www.simulanalog.org/guitarsuite.htm
> >
> > which sound fantastic.
> Hi.
> This seems very interesting, but is there a way to make them run
> with linux ? Jack-dssi host tells me that the plugins failed to report the
> window size, so nothing is usable even if it seems to be launched (there's
> no visible window), and fst tells me that the plugin has no editor, so I
> can't even check that, as *all* other VST, fst is completely unable to
> make them run because of the same XWindow problem.
what same XWindow problem?
these plugins have no GUI - the host has to build one. FST doesn't do
that. Ardour does, and I thought that JACK-DSSI did or could as well.
Received on Wed Mar 7 04:15:04 2007
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