On Tuesday 06 Mar 2007 21:15, Thorsten Wilms wrote:
> Test with the real HTML/CSS:
> http://thorwil.affenbande.org/apps-devel/index.html
> Will need work on details if the 'big picture' is found acceptable :)
My first response was that the colour is rather unpleasant.
I'm probably influenced by the dripping waveform shape, but it brings to
mind the shade that Luc Tuymans called "the colour of contamination".
It turns out -- http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ViewWork?workid=26209 --
that his green was a lot more green than this one, but the blue in this
makes it seem not cool and inviting, to me, but queasy in its
uncomfortable mixture of grime with chemical cleanliness. The Tuymans
green is fouler, but in a reassuring sort of way -- it has a sort of
gothic self-indulgence about it.
Still, it's probably just my monitor.
And if it didn't have the waveform -- if it just faded between the two
background colours -- then I probably would find it cool and inviting.
It's a question of suggestion.
Received on Wed Mar 7 04:15:05 2007
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