On Wed, Mar 07, 2007 at 02:44:31AM -0500, Louis Acresti wrote:
> >Something I've wondered, but haven't found an answer for: can any of the
> >usb audio devices with s/pdif io act as standalone converters? i.e.
> >pass their analog ins through their ADC and directly out s/pdif without
> >going through the usb bus to the host and back?
> >
> >-Eric Rz.
> It's certainly possible:
> I have a USB MIDI Keyboard/Synth (Novation X-Station) with S/PDIF out
> (no digital input, though) and it can take two analog inputs and
> output them through S/PDIF (with or without low-latency effects),
> mainly because it's also designed to be used *without* a computer
> (battery/DC adapter, etc). But this machine is *NOT* a USB sound card
> (no input through USB :-(, just analog inputs), but it sounds like it
> would do the job you described. Perhaps you have similar hardware
> laying around that might serve this purpose?
I should have asked a while ago before getting my edirol ua-25. Just
looking at the signal flow diagram printed on top of it it appears that
there is no direct path from analog in -> digital out, i.e. it looks
like digital out is fed only from either usb or digital in. The manual
says "Signals that have been input via the combo input jacks are not
output directly from the digital output connector" p.49. So I guess that
answers my question about that.
It's ok, I got the ua-25 for portable use with my laptop and I'm sure it
will serve me well for that. It would just have been a nice bonus if I
could also use it in the studio as an extra pair of preamp/AD/DA
channels to make use of the s/pdif i/o on the delta 66.
The X-station is definitely an appealing piece of gear. :) I didn't
realize it wasn't a full duplex audio interface, though. The
descriptions I've read seem to advertise it as such.
-Eric Rz.
Received on Wed Mar 7 16:15:02 2007
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