On 6:28:39 am 03/09/07 "Josh Lawrence" <hardbop200@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Any thoughts, gripes, ideas, general thinking
> outside the box, and (most importantly) specific applications that you
> think would be appropriate would be very much appreciated.
Smack has very nice sound quality for drums. Works with Om/Ingen which is
lashified AFAIK. Last I tried it wasn't so easy to set up but the sounds
I've heard make it worth the effort.
If you can trigger with your keyboard you can do what you want so if you
haven't already got that working it would be good a good step to conquer.
Some people use freewheeling to great effect for live jamming/DJing. You
might find it works for you too.
-- Patrick Shirkey Boost Hardware LtdReceived on Fri Mar 9 08:15:02 2007
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