Ismael Valladolid Torres wrote:
> Dragan Noveski escribe:
>> do you know, what i should take attention of?
> I don't know. Probably [1]they do.
> 1.
> Cordially, Ismael
hi ismael, thank you very much for the link - it looks usefull, and so
bad that i am a poor sound ing. so i don't understand very much of the
stuff the guys are discussing. but one thing is obviously, even people
there who understand lot of the kernel coding stuff complains about
missing documentation!
so, but i ve found out that CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS option is causing
troubles here!
some days ago i compiled a new version of kluppe and i was pretty happy
with the performance of it - but since i compiled the new kernel with
CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS=yes, i realized that kluppe is starting but no
connecting to jackd!
now i just recompiled the kernel without the high-res-timer and kluppe
works smoothly again!
i am really happy that i found out this, because in the last ardour
recording session, ardour permanently gets disconnected from jackd, so
at some point a rebooted with an older kernel!
lets see, this weekend i ll have the next rec-session, i wanna try this
kernel in real action!
Received on Fri Mar 9 20:15:01 2007
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