Le dimanche 11 mars 2007 à 00:08 +0100, Bibulus a écrit :
> > it is possible that you will have to reflash your firmware to make it
> > work under linux, but check the results of running hdspmixer first.
> Really? :-(
> Sorry to bother you with this point, but: how can one downgrade HDSP
> 9632 firmware (RME firmware update Windows tool only upgrade it and I
> found no howto on how downgrade it)?
I found a thread on Fervent's forum:
Second, just to let you know, Hamon, I connected Hydrogen output to
playback 9 because that was the only way to get any sound out of my
soundcard (there was a real problem with my soundcard)
My soundcard has all the 12 outputs you see in the mixer, but I don't
have the gear to connect to the adat and spdif (yet).
Third, thanks Chris, you gave me the right solution, it was the firmware
upgrade. First I was't sure if it was possible to go back (it is called
an UPdate tool)
But now that I used the older Flash Update Tool which took it back from
revision 152 to 151, it works fine.
I have exactly the same problem.
So I think that a firmware downgrade will solve it.
Once again: who know how to downgrade a RME HDSP 9632? And who can send
me a old firmware version?
Received on Sun Mar 11 04:15:01 2007
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