On Sun, 2007-03-11 at 15:15 +0100, Dragan Noveski wrote:
> i am running a multiface very well here and don't know which firmware is
> flashed in.
lspci will show the rev number, which is the same as the firmware
> but there is 1: firmware which is flashed into the card
> 2: the firmware drivers from alsa, on my system still
> the old demudi package, sth. like 1.09..
you're confused, but i don't blame you :) the ALSA driver doesn't
actually load firmware into the IO box, it loads a configuration file
into the IO box. This contents of the config data depend on the actual
firmware present on the PCI interface. nothing on linux updates the
actual firmware.
> so if i update the firmware drivers to 1.0.13 i should not expect breakage?
if you are talking about upgrading ALSA to 1.0.13, then you should be
just fine.
Received on Sun Mar 11 20:15:03 2007
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