On Monday 12 March 2007 06:37 am, Malte Steiner wrote:
> I solved the noiseproblem with balanced/ symmetrical audio cables
> together with card and mixer with symmetrical connectors, in this
> case a Hammerfall Multiface and a big mixer but some of the small
> ones like Tapco and Behringer should have balanced inputs too, I know
> that the small Yamaha Mixers dont.
> Cheers,
> Malte
Our practice group bought 2 small Behringer mixers a couple of years
ago and have be very glad we did; a MXB1002 (5 xlr's) and a UB802
(2 xlr's). Our previous setup was a Peavey powered mixer with un-
balanced inputs. Difference is like night and day. Price was very
reasonable here.
Received on Mon Mar 12 20:15:03 2007
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