On 9:24:27 pm 03/11/07 Johannes Mario Ringheim <jri@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Nigel Henry wrote:
> > Nice track Johannes. I'm not usually into rap, but the beats were
> > just great, and more up front than the rap. I quite like ragga,
> but am not into hip-hop.
> Thanks!
> > How large is this .avi file? I'm on dialup!
> Sorry for not putting info on this.
> It's 136,3 MB, so I guess you'll have a hard time with that..
> > btw. I think there may be a problem with the link for the .ogg
> > audio file. Kget said the file didn't exist, so I had to go with
> the .mp3.
> Hmmm....seems to have been a permission problem, fixed now.
Hi Johannes,
Would you be interested in having this hosted at the quicktoots site?
It would be a very nice addition.
I am happy to write up a few line to explain what's going on but if it came
from you it will have more relevance to the toot.
-- Patrick Shirkey Boost Hardware LtdReceived on Tue Mar 13 08:15:03 2007
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