Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> Very cool having so many loops able to play at one time. Beats a Pioneer
> hands down.
A Pioneer what...?
> Is the BCF2000 triggering freewheeling via midi or osc?
Hmmm...I don't actually know ;) I just got the BCF, and haven't figured
out all the possibilities yet. I wrote the XML-config in a "get this up
and running quickly" manner, so I will investigate other options and
hopefully make a proper config file wich I could share with others.
AFAIK it's controlled by midi now, but I will investigate this OSC
option aswell.
If anyone wants my config you can of course give me a note, but I warn
you that it's a bit improvised.
> Once again nicely done. If there was an award for best Linux DJ you would
> be getting my vote this year!
Well, what can I say? Thanks a lot!
I'm hoping to play this thing live during the spring and summer, if only
I could come up with a name for the thing :)
-- Ringheims Auto - Fri musikk for bilstereo! http://ringheimsauto.orgReceived on Tue Mar 13 16:15:03 2007
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