On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 12:57:08 -0000, Erik de Castro Lopo
<mle+la@email-addr-hidden-nerd.com> wrote:
> Bill Adair wrote:
>> The Perpetual Technologies devices (P-1A D/D & P-3A D/A) were very
>> successful a few years ago with their hardware based upsampling.
> Success == "sold a lot"?
Sold any whatsoever ;-) $1500 a pop. Good reviews and started current
trend of switchable upsampling in DACS.
>> I'm hoping to
>> achieve something similar by writing upsampling code that can operate
>> in non-real
>> time on a PC chip.
> Are you aware of the Shannon Nyquist Sampling Theorem:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyquist-Shannon_Sampling_Theorem
> Its corollary is that if you downsample and then upsample, the data
> destroyed during the downsampling can *never* be recreated.
All right hi-fi is probably the wrong word for the end result but better
sounding is the aim and allowing experimentation by hard drive audio users
without spending silly money on cables, DAC flavours of the month etc.
> Erik
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