Juhana Sadeharju escribe:
> Hello. What would be a good standalone music making box?
> A box which would be useful for a child, for her first 16 years.
> Features:
> -Linux connection (midi, sample uploads)
> -One shot samples (for sound effects)
> -Music instruments (sampled or synth)
> -Music making (patterns whatever)
> I know there are some kind of groove boxes but don't know details.
A Roland MC-505 is for me the kind of killer box of this kind. It's
unfriendly to Linux because is kind of a machine unfriendly to
computers by nature. A mailing list colleage once asked us if he
needed to buy a Mixtreme soundcard to make music with a computer, or a
MC-505 to make music without. Being a fan of Soundscape hardware, I
recommended him going for the MC-505. He's been grateful for years.
Presets for the MC-505 sounds "ninety", but it's a powerful enough
synth to allow making your own sounds and patterns.
I've heard also good things about Korg Electribe MX. Any Electribe is
a joy also. I consider this kind of machines "perfect" for any
teenager doing music.
Cordially, Ismael
-- Ismael Valladolid Torres m. +34679156321 La media hostia j. ivalladt@email-addr-hidden http://lamediahostia.blogspot.com/
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