On Thursday 15 March 2007, Atte André Jensen wrote:
> Florian Schmidt wrote:
> > i've written a little lo-fi samba tune called "Samba felidae" (lo-fi
> > because all that was used was my guitar and a shaker and because my
> > microphone isn't the best). And i think a solo by a non-guitar instrument
> > would be quite nice on it :)
> Nice idea! I've played a piano solo:
> http://atte.dk/download/samba_felidae_w_piano.ogg
> There's a version with only piano (mixed down with silence from the
> beginning, to make it easier to import in your ardour session) here:
> http://atte.dk/download/piano_solo.ogg
some great stuff coming at me there (you guys can play). Hearing it like this,
there need to be some changes. I see there needs to be more space for the
solo (at least 2 full forms, maybe more?), the head needs to be played less
often (maybe only once at the beginning and at the end) and the noodling at
the end needs to go.. I will record another version these days (probably
tonight, i will also try to get the timing more stable - i might use a click
[ugh]). Maybe it would be nice if the solo instrument is introduced before it
plays its solo [like some soft piano chords on the head, too, or little
counter melodies]. BTW: in the end i will do some copy and paste and cram all
the solos in there that i got :)
Ah we'll see. Keep rocking..
-- Palimm Palimm! http://tapas.affenbande.orgReceived on Thu Mar 15 16:15:01 2007
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