On 3/15/07, Mark Knecht <markknecht@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> My question is whether Alsa has a user level mechanism to allow me
> in a terminal, on the fly, to switch which card Gnome considers my
> default sound card?
> I was wondering about flipping a bit somewhere and directing
> Internet radio in my browser to the stereo instead of the wimpy PC
> speaker we have on my wife's box.
Not currently possible.
I guess to implement this, alsa-lib would have to use inotify to watch
the config files for changes, and the app would register a "sound
device changed" callback that would be invoked when
gnome-sound-properties writes the new .asoundrc. The callback would
have to close and reopen the default PCM and resume playback.
Received on Fri Mar 16 04:15:03 2007
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