2007/3/16, david <gnome@hawaii.rr.com>:
> Mark Knecht wrote:
> > I'm not sure why something like this hasn't been implemented before.
> > Lots of machines have multiple sound cards. It seems like a natural
> > use to want to use one sometimes and another at other times.
> Hmm, in 20+ years of PC ownership, I only just last year got a machine
> that could have two sound cards - but I have the onboard sound disabled
> in favor of a much better PCI sound card. Most PCs I've seen sold only
> come with one sound card.
There will be more and more: If you own a pc/laptop and have bluetooth
and want to use your bt-headset for voip, you have two soundcards
already. And...
> I serious doubt that any ordinary, non-musician computer user has any
> interest in switching between multiple sound cards on the fly.
...you want to switch cards on the fly: When the call arrives it rings
on your primary soundcard. You get prepared and put on your headset
and you will definitely want to switch soundcards then. And that is
what "ordinary" people will just want to _work_. Not selecting a new
device from some control-center but just defining (at first
application start-up) to use the headset as default and internal
soundcard as fallback...
> It sounds like something that could perhaps be done as a little applet,
> kind of like KDE's volume control applet. Right click on it, pick
> desired sound card, click OK. Worth doing for the LAU crowd, I'm sure!
Well, it will be possible within KDE4 thanks to Phonon.
Man, how I wished someone from Phonon would give a small talk on LAC...
-- visit http://www.arnoldarts.de/ --- Wenn man mit Raubkopien Bands wie Brosis oder Britney Spears wirklich verhindern könnte, würde ich mir noch heute einen Stapel Brenner und einen Sack Rohlinge kaufen.Received on Fri Mar 16 12:15:03 2007
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