On 3/17/07, Lee Revell <rlrevell@email-addr-hidden-job.com> wrote:
> > Background noise I would say... and some huge issues with interrupt
> > handling (but that's any cards on any laptops...) which makes is very
> > hard not to have xruns.
> That raises an interesting point - I wonder if Dell would consider
> "noisy audio" a fatal hardware issue to the same extent that Apple
> would.
Apple ? The ones that put video capabilities on the audio output of
their iPod, thus creating the worst of bad quality audio output ever ?
Since when do they care about audio quality ?
I am very well aware of the unusefulness of my statement ;-) I just
had to react to this. Something is fatal to Apple only when it comes
to money, not hardware quality. This is true for 90% of technological
goods out there. Quality is Just a Marketing Argument (TM)
Marc-Olivier Barre,
Received on Sun Mar 18 16:15:02 2007
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