Hi Chris,
Chris McCormick <chris@email-addr-hidden> writes:
> <http://sciencegirlrecords.com/chr15m/music/CD005/Chris%20McCormick%20-%20Meteors%20versus%20dinosaurs.mp3>
> Enjoy!
> Chris.
> -------------------
> chris@email-addr-hidden
> http://mccormick.cx
Cool tune. Is this also done with modplug tracker? Linux audio
definitely needs more chiptune breakbeats!
BTW has anybody played with Milkytracker, a Fasttracker clone
(http://www.milkytracker.net)? It's a pity the program's source code
isn't publicly available and the Fasttracker pattern sequencer is so
obscure (shows only 7 patterns and automatic colorizing of pattern
numbers like in Aldrin would also be helpful).
Received on Sun Mar 18 16:15:06 2007
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