Is there a way to configure ALSA (via .asoundrc or such) such that
instead of playing the sound through hardware - the raw pcm data is
actually stored in files? So /dev/dsp0 would actually be linked to a
Robin Gareus wrote:
> D. Sen wrote:
>> Anyone know of a way to extract the multichannel audio from a DVD-Audio
>> disc? Xine plays the multichannel files - so I assume there has to be a
>> way to extract them...
> there's `tcdemux` and `tcdecode` from the transcode package
> - dvdrip provides is a GUI.
> (you can copy/paste dvdrip's LOG window for the commands it uses to do
> the job. You only want the first part of the pipe: tcdemux | tcdecode..)
Received on Mon Mar 19 12:15:02 2007
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