The problem with all of these applications is that they downmix the
audio down to stereo when storing to a wav file.
Do you know if the tccat/tcdecode/tcextract command will save the
individual tracks (interleaved or otherwise)?
Robin Gareus wrote:
> D. Sen wrote:
>> Robin Gareus wrote:
>>> D. Sen wrote:
>>>> Anyone know of a way to extract the multichannel audio from a DVD-Audio
>>>> disc? Xine plays the multichannel files - so I assume there has to be a
>>>> way to extract them...
>>> there's `tcdemux` and `tcdecode` from the transcode package
>>> - dvdrip provides is a GUI.
>>> (you can copy/paste dvdrip's LOG window for the commands it uses to do
>>> the job. You only want the first part of the pipe: tcdemux | tcdecode..)
>> dvdrip refuses to work on my distribution.
> mmh then there's the chance that tcdemux & tcdecode won't work either. -
> usually you get those as dependency to dvd::rip. - see.
> I'm sure that you can also use mplayer/mencoder or some ffmpeg command
> line to do the same job.. gstreamer too..
>> Is there a chance you could
>> tell me what the tcdemux | tcdecode scripts would be to extract the audio?
> sorry, I did not have my dvd drive with me.. now I do.
> how are your command line skills? dvd::rip does a lot of fancy piping (
> `man tee` -> man dvdrip-multitee ? :) ) - the command that does ripping
> & demux is several pages long (includes 100 subtitle commands)...
> It boils down to sth like this:
> tccat -t dvd -T 1,-1,1 -i \/dev\/scsi\/host8\/bus0\/target0\/lun0\/cd |
> tcextract -a 0 -x ac3 -t vob | tcdecode -x ac3 | tcscan -x pcm
> adjust the device to match your DVD-ROM. and replace the last step " |
> tcscan -x pcm" with " > ripped-audio.pcm" to write the audio into a
> file; or use " | tee ripped-audio.pcm | tcscan -x pcm" to write to a
> file and scan for peak values..
> use sox or rezound or ... to convert the pcm into your favorite format!
> good luck,
> robin
Received on Tue Mar 20 04:15:01 2007
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