lunedě, 19 marzo 2007 alle 22:49:05, Ken Restivo ha scritto:
> Is there such a thing as a free-as-in-freedom alternative (no matter
> how paltry) to the Native Instruments "B4"?
> I tried Bristol and... it looks gorgeous but IMHO sounds way too thin
> and cheezy.
> There seem to be dozens of soundfonts out there with B3 sounds, but
> the ones I've tried so far aren't very good. The free
> GigaSampler/LinuxSampler B3 samples I've found are even worse.
> If there's no good tonewheel simulator, are there any recommended good
> free soundfonts of B3 sounds? Samples made with Leslie are useless to
> me, since I'll simulate that using LADSPA plugins. If I go the
> soundfont route, I'd just need samples of the organ line-out.
There's beatrix:
But I think It's only "free as in beer" ...
I've never used it, but an organist friend said that is very good
-- Emiliano Grilli Linux user #209089 http://www.emillo.netReceived on Tue Mar 20 12:15:07 2007
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