On 3/20/07, Marc-Olivier Barre <mobarre@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On 3/20/07, Lee Revell <rlrevell@email-addr-hidden-job.com> wrote:
> > Also with limited RAM and any released JACK version it's important to
> > reduce the stack rlimit to something like 256KB (it defaults to 8MB)
> > via limits.conf. Otherwise you lock down a lot of memory that will
> > never be used.
> This brings a question to my mind. I have a Gig of RAM on my laptop.
> Should there be any problems locking up to 750 Mb, or is it just a
> matter of tastes ?
It's a waste of memory because no sane app will put nearly 8MB on the
stack, especially a realtime application.
Received on Wed Mar 21 00:15:02 2007
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