On 3/23/07, pascal lawrynowicz <p.law@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> My problem is when I try to play *.h2song I made withwin$ on my linux
> (old demudi or studio64).
> The error is :
> " [WARNING] SongReader [readSong] Trying to load a song created with a
> different version of hydrogen.
> [WARNING] SongReader [readSong] Song [/home/stixlaw/UntitledSong.h2song]
> saved with version 0.9.4-svn
> [WARNING] SongReader [readSong] Error loading song: exclude node not found
> [WARNING] SongReader [readSong] Instrument number != MAX_INSTRUMENTS.
> n=16>32 "
> How can I solve this problem.
Um, did you check that the version of hydrogen is the same on both
systems, like the error message tells you to?
Received on Sat Mar 24 00:15:03 2007
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