Marc-Olivier Barre wrote:
> On 3/25/07, Brad Fuller <brad@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> I'm following the directions on the wiki for the RT kernel at:
>> and I'm at the point of modprobe'ing the realtime module in the
>> instructions which say:
>> -----------------
>> load realtime-lsm
>> # modprobe commoncap
>> # modprobe realtime gid=18
>> -----------------
>> But, I receive this error:
>> FATAL: Error inserting realtime
>> (/lib/modules/2.6.16-rt29-tglx4/extra/realtime.ko): Invalid module
>> format--
>> when modprobe'ing the "realtime" module.
>> Why is this? The kernel and the module were compiled with the same
>> tools.
> Hi Brad,
> You may have not seen it but on the wiki you pointed to, in the part
> called "Activate and test RT" the realtime-lsm module is marked as
> deprecated.
CRAP! I simply didn't see that! Thanks for the reply and thanks for
pointing this out!
> if you go a little further in the document you will find a
> section called "RLIMITS" (right after the realtime-lsm one).
> The currently recommended method to get realtime to work is to use the
> rlimits method with PAM, which you should normally have on your
> system. It will make things a lot easier for you.
> The tutorial might be taking some shortcuts (depending on your
> configuration). If after following the tutorial's info it still
> doesn't work, try the following :
> - check that your user is part of the audio group
> - from a terminal, type in the following command :
> grep "" /etc/pam.d/{gdm,kdm,xdm,login} 2> /dev/null
Aha, well. I have it none.
How would this get added?
> you should see lines like this :
> /etc/pam.d/login:session required
> In this example, the file named /etc/pam.d/login contains the modules
> used by pam when you authenticate with the login program. The line
> that appeared (normally) on your screen states that the
> module will be used. That's the one you want.
> Please give us some feedback on how it went and ask again if it didn't
> work.
> Cheers,
> __________________
> Marc-Olivier Barre,
> Markinoko.
-- brad fuller +1 (408) 799-6124Received on Mon Mar 26 00:15:03 2007
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