Brad Fuller wrote:
> Martin Wohlleben wrote:
>> On So, 2007-03-25 at 14:59 -0700, Brad Fuller wrote:
>>> Lee Revell wrote:
>>>> On 3/25/07, Brad Fuller <brad@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>>>>> Yeah... I've done that. But, still I would like to be able to have
>>>>> external apps set the clock, right?
>>>> It can't work if JACK is running anyway because all clients are
>>>> required to support the server sample rate.
>>> That I know.
>>>> WRT realtime, last i heard was that Gentoo does not supply a new
>>>> enough version of PAM (0.80 or higher is required)
>>> that I don't know. Bummer...
>>> # equery which pam
>>> /usr/portage/local/layman/pro-audio/sys-libs/pam/pam-0.78-r6.ebuild
>>> Thanks... back to realtime-lsm
>> Hi,
>> pam-0.78-r6 should work. I use this version and jack runs with rt-prio.
>> Check your /etc/security/limits.conf for the right entries
> Well... it's good to know that version should work. I made sure I had
> it. The entries are the same.
>> # REALTIME support for audio group users
>> @audio - rtprio 100
>> @audio - nice -10
>> @audio - memlock 250000
>> You can also find up to date ebuilds for rt-kernels and audio software
>> in the pro-audio overlay. There you can set the use of realtime-lsm by
>> setting a USE variable but I'd suggest to go with pam. More information
>> can be found in the wiki:
> That's what I'm referring to, as I mentioned in my first msg:
> I'm following the directions on the wiki for the RT kernel at:
> ulimit -l replies
> # ulimit -l
> 250000
> So, as Marc-Olivier mentioned, at least that is being read. But, is
> there anything else that I can check?
> With my latest kernel compile and with the change to the alsamixer to
> 44.1k (as I mentioned before) running qjackctl
> does not say that it can't run realtime, but the "RT" symbol is not
> lighted ("Realtime" IS checked in the setup)
> Here's a log:
> jackd 0.101.1
> Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
> jackd comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
> This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
> under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
> JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
> loading driver ..
> apparent rate = 44100
> creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|1024|2|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
> control device hw:0
> configuring for 44100Hz, period = 1024 frames, buffer = 2 periods
> nperiods = 2 for capture
> nperiods = 2 for playback
> 16:43:28.923 Server configuration saved to "/home/bfuller/.jackdrc".
> 16:43:28.923 Statistics reset.
> 16:43:29.758 Client activated.
> 16:43:29.774 Audio connection change.
> 16:43:29.785 Audio connection graph change.
> So, I'm getting there, but I'm not certain that I'm really running
> jack in realtime mode.
Gosh... so sorry people! I totally forgot that I could look in the
status of qjackctl and it does say that I'm running
in Realtime mode.
Cool... sorry for the noise (I hope it'll, at least, help others later)
-- brad fuller +1 (408) 799-6124Received on Mon Mar 26 04:15:02 2007
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