On 3/28/07, Frank Barknecht <fbar@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Hallo,
> Robin Gareus hat gesagt: // Robin Gareus wrote:
> > historically Karlsruhe Thu/Fri vs. Sat/Sun - this year was different:
> > Berlin weekdays vs. Berlin weekend - with a smaller audience on the last
> > two days ;-)
> >
> > what is the location in Cologne like? - will there be Students lingering
> > during week but not the weekend next year?
> The Academy of Media Arts (KHM) in Cologne, where the next conference
> is planned to be, is much smaller than the TU Berlin. Additionally the
> KHM is in a different part of town from the main Cologne University.
> As the conference must happen during the semester break, there might
> even be more LAC people at the KHM than students. So while Cologne
> won't be as centered around one place as in Karlsruhe, it will still
> be a bit cozier than Berlin and won't have that many stairs to climb
> or large avenues to cross.
And Köln is cool as far as I can remember from an old school trip ;-)
Looking forward to that !
-- __________________ Marc-Olivier Barre, Markinoko.Received on Wed Mar 28 04:15:03 2007
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