> most of us will not be able to understand it
> Could you provide us with some insight?
Marc-Olivier Barre schrieb:
> On 3/29/07, Marcos Guglielmetti <marcospcmusica@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> En este artículo presento una _crítica_ a las exageradas esperanzas
>> puestas en
>> la informática relacionada con el futuro de la música en cuanto a su
>> poder
>> revolucionario.
>> (http://www.mastermagazine.info/articulo/11483.php)
>> GNU/Linux Audio Conference en Berlín
>> 28/03/2007
>> Autor: (marcos) Marcos Guglielmetti
>> Los músicos aparentemente están revolucionando la música electrónica con
>> programas y con instrumentos realizados por ellos mismos.
> Hi Marcos,
> Though it is a very good idea to have a copy of your article posted on
> the list, it is a shame that most of us will not be able to understand
> it. Could you provide us with some insight ? I'm not asking for a full
> translation, only a summary of the headlines (if you have some spare
> time of course).
> Thanks again for your post, and for this article.
> Regards,
> __________________
> Marc-Olivier Barre,
> Markinoko
> .
Received on Thu Mar 29 12:15:02 2007
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