Arnold Krille wrote:
> JackMix, the ultimate mixer app for jack hits another milestone:
> "Sliders vs. Knobs"
> From the "programming during Linux-Audio-Conference"-depth. comes the
> next release of JackMix.
> Whats new since 0.2?
> Inspired by a lot of talking during LAC I have redone the sliders.
> They still look kind of similar to some vu-meters but I think it isn't
> that bad anymore.
> But there are new knobs in this version too. They did get positive
> feedback during the conference. :-)
> The knobs from 0.2 didn't seem to scale well. At least not from the
> usability point.
> The biggest change is that version 0.3 saves the own state to
> xml-files which can be read again later. Also adding a filename on the
> commandline opens that file on startup. This enables version 0.4 to
> have lash-support.
> And there is a new interface so backend can interact with the gui in a
> better way. The main effect now is that if jackd is not running its
> not the jackmix mainwindow that is complaining but the backend popping
> up a message.
> Visit to find more. See
> for
> screenshots or just download the package from
> Have a nice weekend,
> Arnold
hi arnold,
as suggested by another poster here, i am trying building jackmix and
the gcc/g++ are both v4.1.
i get following error:
nowhiskey@email-addr-hidden:~/software/nove/jackmix/jackmix-0.3$ scons
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Checking for uic: uic was found as /usr/share/qt4/bin/uic
Checking for UIC version : fine - Qt User
Interface Compiler version 4.2.1
Checking for moc: moc was found as /usr/share/qt4/bin/moc
Checking for rcc: rcc was found as /usr/share/qt4/bin/rcc
Checking for the qt includes : ok /usr/share/qt4/include
Checking for jack...yes
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
g++ -o backend/jack_backend.o -c -I/usr/share/qt4/include -Wall -Werror
-g -fpic -O2 -DNDEBUG -DNO_DEBUG -Ibackend -I. -Ibackend -Ilibcore
cc1plus: warnings being treated as errors
libcore/guiserver_interface.h:14: warning: 'class
JackMix::GuiServer_Interface' has virtual functions but non-virtual
scons: *** [backend/jack_backend.o] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
am i missing something or is it an bug in the code, what do you think?
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Received on Mon Apr 2 14:06:40 2007
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