Yeah, it's difficult to imagine producing anything worth listening to
using somebody else's samples and totally on the fly... but I'm open
to the possibility. Definitely potential for it to be the cheesiest
thing ever, but no harm in trying.
The thing that appeals to me about it is the battle aspect -- up there
representin' for the OSS community.
On 4/2/07, philicorda <philicorda@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-04-02 at 16:02 -0400, Charles Linart wrote:
> > Just read the rules. I see now, mostly.
> I read the rules and I'm still totally puzzled.
> Can I just play back a wav on my laptop, and wiggle the mouse with an
> intense expression on my face?
> (I'm sure I've seen some 'live' laptop stuff where the composer was doing this.. it's so hard to tell.)
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