> .>>To put it bluntly if every morning you were
> .>>being prematurely woken up by a beautiful bird song of a bird who lives
> on a
> .>>tree next to your window, I am pretty sure that you would eventually
> learn
> .>>to dislike that sound as much as you currently dislike the sound of
> your
> .>>alarm clock.
> Speaking from personal experience, I have to disagree. A life in
> harmony with nature, directed by nature's rhythm is a happy and
> beautiful life. Never been happier than during the period of my life
> when the rooster was my alarm clock -- never gotten up so early,
> either. The reason the alarm clock is so disturbing is that it throws
> us off that groove.
You are taking my example out of context. Circumstances are what determine
the psychoacoustic association, not the catalyst.
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Received on Wed Apr 4 20:15:02 2007
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