Sorry for going off track.
On 4/5/07, Rob <lau@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Thursday 05 April 2007 15:44, Brad Fuller wrote:
> > In what human ear are you referring? And in what context
> > and/or culture?
> I would imagine he's talking about his own culture, which would
> be what we broadly call "Western" and in which probably fewer
> than 1 percent of the population even knows what micro-tuning or
> alternative scales are. I'd bet even most of that 1% would
> still think Wendy Carlos' "Beauty in the Beast" was not "the
> music of the perhaps not too distant future", but merely a
> poorly recorded and out-of-tune record. (Speaking for myself,
> that whole record was the closest thing I've experienced to "the
> brown note".)
> As far as the other 80% of the world goes, that part of it who
> hasn't adopted the even-tempered scale due to not having radio
> and TV or whatever, I can't speak for Charles but I really don't
> think they're going to be listening to my music, and if they
> did, they probably would already have heard enough even-tempered
> music that they wouldn't mind.
> I guess this whole thread is instant karma for me having
> contributed to off-topic threads in the past, 'cause it sure
> doesn't seem to have much to do with Linux or even computer
> audio anymore.
> Rob
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