> Ivica Ico Bukvic escribe:
> > Again, depends upon the context. John Cage wrote a famous piece 4'33"
> which
> > is four minutes and 33 seconds of silence in three movements. How about
> > buying a CD of that one? Yet, its impact on the contemporary music scene
> is
> > monumental and it is practically impossible to find a book which
> discusses
> > 20th century music without mentioning this work.
> IIRC the point of that piece was that the duration was exactly 4'33"
> (wow!)
Actually, no. The points are (more or less in the order of importance)
recontextualization of silence, exploration of indeterminacy, and
relinquishing the control over the creative process (which is to some extent
an outgrowth of the second point).
Best wishes,
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Received on Fri Apr 6 04:15:02 2007
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