Silence ehhh??? That could be a windfall of bux...
I am sure that copyright of silence would include every CD that has
'silence' between any grouping of different tunes... There IS money to be
made here!!! So much for the 'art factor' of such things...
Was it too long ago when a 9th chord was considered 'way out there' even
in jazz??? It wasn't all that long ago but today a jazz piece without a
9th would be considered odd... hmmmm... what makes that...?
Let's all make music in pure sine waves... I know it has been done but has
it been taken to it true point of the art???
Has anyone every heard and album by Dick Hymen on the synth? It was on
Command records and in the 60's if I remember correctly. I enjoyed that
album but it failed in commecial circles so I guess it must be art... He
also used scales that broke down our common worldly scales into much
smaller pieces...
This thread takes me back so many years to the days of MUS101...<sigh>
On Thu, 5 Apr 2007, ico@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> Quoting Joe Hartley <jh@email-addr-hidden>:
>> On Thu, 5 Apr 2007 16:53:23 -0400
>> "Ivica Ico Bukvic" <ico@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>>> Again, depends upon the context. John Cage wrote a famous piece 4'33" which
>>> is four minutes and 33 seconds of silence in three movements. How about
>>> buying a CD of that one?
>>> . . .
>>> That being said, no one is preventing you from making such a CD and
>> claiming
>>> it is a work of art.
>> That's not true, the holders of the publishing rights expect their cut:
>> Headline:
>> Music publisher claims copyright on silence
>> And I always thought that ten percent of nothing was nothing.
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Received on Fri Apr 6 04:15:07 2007
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