> As I've said several times, I don't buy that a jackhammer could ever
> sound as sweet as a songbird; no one will describe them as
> interchangeable. I don't believe that anyone would say that a
> super-distorted electric guitar - even if they love the sound -
> arouses the same emotional response as a "lyrical" oboe solo. Certain
> sounds are by nature disruptive, certain sounds are smooth, and no
> amount of conditioning to "like" or "dislike" can change that.
> You are a big fan of putting words in my mouth, and of assuming you're
> the only person who has done any research into music cognition. Maybe
> that's true in 99% of the groups you find yourself in, but believe me:
Please note that insults do not magically elevate the value of your
argument. Realizing that this matter has now departed the realm of
intellectual discourse and has moved on into a bashfest, why don't we simply
agree to disagree and end this seemingly futile discussion?
FYI, top-posting is generally considered bad manners (and yes, I have been
guilty of this too).
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Fri Apr 6 04:15:09 2007
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