Chuckk Hubbard wrote:
> On 4/5/07, david <gnome@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> Ismael Valladolid Torres wrote:
>> > Ken Restivo escribe:
>> >> IIRC, some of Bach's music was considered too chromatic and
>> >> dissonant at the time.
>> >
>> > I would consider amazing that you Remember Correctly what happened in
>> > Bach's era. ;)
>> There are writings from Bach's time, from other musicians and such
>> anti-musicians as Critics ;-), in which people of his time expressed
>> their opinions of his music. I believe that the legendary Toccata &
>> Fugue in Dminor BWV 565 was considered unpleasantly daring and dramatic.
>> After all, Bach was a young whippersnapper at the time.
> I always understood that JS Bach was fairly well-liked. He made a
> living as a musician, unlike 99.99% of the people alive at the time.
That was my understanding as well - that is: his music was well liked.
In fact, as he aged, he gained quite a reputation around and outside the
-- brad fuller +1 (408) 799-6124 _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Fri Apr 6 08:15:02 2007
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