Ken Restivo wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Thu, Apr 05, 2007 at 04:49:50PM -0700, Brad Fuller wrote:
>> Thomas Kuther wrote:
>>> On Mo, 12.03.07 17:22 "Reuben Martin" <reuben.m@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>>>> I believe only the migration helpers patch is needed for the legacy
>>>> 96** series.
>>> Yes, the kmem_cache_t removal patch is not important. The new 9755
>>> driver doesn't need to be patched at all.
>>> Tom
>>>> On 3/12/07, Thomas Kuther <gimpel@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>>>>> On Mo, 12.03.07 19:00 David Baron <d_baron@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>>>>>> At least the 9631 version of the Nvidia video driver did not
>>>>>> compile after the patch was applied and the kernel successfully
>>>>>> build and booted. Same would definitely hold for older Nvidia
>>>>>> versions and possibly newer ones as well.
>>>>>> Problem: A bunch of obseleted #define SA_..... entries
>>>>>> in the linux source/include/linux/interrupt.h
>>>>>> They say do not use in newer code but Nvidia does need them.
>>>>>> Solution: Copy these from an older or unpatched version of this
>>>>>> file and then paste into the new one. One need not rebuild the
>>>>>> kernel since these are no longer used there. After do this,
>>>>>> Nvidia will build and run fine (so far).
>>>>> Don't "fix" the kernel, but fix the drivers ;)
>>>>> Patches for 9746 driver attached.
>> Tom,
>> where did you get these patches? I have an MX4000 and apparently the
>> last nvidia driver to support this chipset is v9731, but I can't get it
>> to work. I assume I need these patches and possibly copy over the
>> obsoleted #define SA_..... entries?
>> And, what is the "migration helpers patch"?
>> Basically: do you know what I need to do to make the nvidia driver
>> version that works for MX4000 work?
> OK, I have to ask a really stupid question. I was told that no special kernel modules or proprietary drivers are required in order to get Nvidia graphics chips working: the free "nv" driver is supposed to work just fine (for 2D anyway, which is all I need).
> Am I missing something? Did I make a boo-boo by buying a machine with an Nvidia chip?
no, nv works fine. But, I need the 3D for this:
Anybody help? I was fine w/o the realtime kernel. Now, I'm stuck.
-- brad fuller +1 (408) 799-6124 _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Fri Apr 6 12:15:02 2007
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